
Showing posts from 2013

Our Lord, His Blessed Mother & the Angels Smiling

Awesome Everett 40 DFL halfway vigil tonight outside Planned Parenthood. Full of Christian joy and the Spirit of God, nearly 80 turned out to sing, pray and fellowship to celebrate life and seek an end to abortion. So many young families with little ones.  It was such a great joy!  Thank you Rachel & Savanna for being our coordinators!  Casey, thank you for sharing your musical talents with us!  Thank you to all who came out on this cloudy, but not wet or windy, fall Wednesday evening. Remember, Monday, October 21, 5-6PM, at Marysville Planned Parenthood as Marysville hosts their first halfway vigil with Steve Karlen, National 40 Days for Life Team. Let us all turn out and support Marysville 40 DFL!

Thirteenth Everett 40 DFL Campaign

Today we embark on E40DFL Thirteenth campaign to end abortion in Everett and beyond. Let us invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to lead, inspire us with open and humble hearts. We pray that all who enter the doors at Planned Parenthood will receive God's grace to see the truth: unborn babies are people too; mothers & fathers protect their children, not to injure or destroy them. May God bless YOU.

My Passion

Being adopted, it is almost easy to be pro-life; it comes natural to me.   So, in the fall of 2007, I became involved in 40 Days for Life, a pro-life ministry based upon four components: prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and outreach to protect and pray for the unborn and their parents.   Nationally 40 Days for Life began in Bryan/College Station, Texas. Thus far: • 575,000 local prayer participants • 16,000 churches • 501 cities • 19 countries • 7,536 lives saved (Everett: 17 lives saved) • 83 workers quit • 40 clinics closed. Our most visible feature is the prayer vigil located at the Everett Planned Parenthood; you are invited to witness with us.   This vigil is not a protest, but a peaceful and prayerful opportunity to seek the Lord’s will in this most important effort. As Jesus dwells in us, we must also see Him in others, including those we meet and greet while on the sidewalk praying, fasting, holding peaceful vigil and outreaching in the love o...

Like a Dream: A Morsel

I awoke from what seemed like a dream…a morsel of the Sacred Host remained on my tongue.   It was like either an angel, maybe my guardian angel, had “fed” me Holy Communion, or it was Jesus, Himself.   I felt a spiritual presence. In biblical times, God and His angels visited mankind often in dreams.   To this day, though it was likely a dream, I leave open the possibility my Lord came to me that night – just as I receive Him each Sunday.


  I am humbled; I am in awe, kneeling but five feet from the monstrance – the vessel used to publicly worship and honor the Eucharistic Jesus Christ. Rays as of purified gold radiate and surround the body of Jesus within the monstrance.   It is like the Transfiguration of Christ – arrayed in dazzling brightness. Since childhood, I have always been close to Jesus, especially in the Eucharist.   I recall my First Holy Communion picture as I waited to receive the Lord for the first time. In the early ‘80’s, I quickly rose out of bed at 3 a.m. to converse with and adore my Savior in Adoration. The late Father J. Hardon, S.J. (1914-2000), catechist and prolific writer, spoke about “ The Real Presence ” in the Eucharist.   He explained, “We are to believe that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ – simply, without qualification. It is God become man in the fullness of His divine and human natures, body and soul, and in the fullness of everything that makes Jesus...

Patience, Perseverence, Prayer

PATIENCE, PERSEVERENCE, PRAYER          For over 20 years, I had this indescribable feeling deep within my being, aching to see my birthmother.  I longed to meet her before she passed away.   This “feeling” never escaped me.  I wanted to know, touch and hug her.  I always knew God heard my prayers.  Might he also answer them?      I began searching for my birthmother in 1981.  Washington Adoptee’s Reunion Movement (WARM) was the official agency within Washington State to unseal court records.  I learned of my “non-identifying information” through WARM.      My birthmother was 21 at the time of delivery.  She had brown hair and blue eyes.  Nine siblings were in her Catholic family and she was of German ancestry.  I discovered my grandmother had tuberculosis and died of Alzheimer’s while my grandfather had heart problems and died of cancer.  ...

How Do We Get There? What Is Our Plan?

Edited: I've added a "missing" piece to in bold, making article complete.                                                                       # # The goal is not only to restrict abortion, or even to make it illegal, but actually make it an unthinkable – and not occurring.     “How do we get there?” and “What is our plan?”   It seems Insurmountable! Forty years of abortion – 40 years of killing our own flesh and blood – the unborn.   Since the U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision of January 22, 1973, states have been trying to restrict abortion ever since.    Now is the time to end abortion . Scr...

Now is the Time

I’m sickened, disgusted, and angry!   As I view the graphic pictures and read the associated stories of abortionists Kermit Gosnell and, Douglas Karpen , and again here ,   I nearly weep. I cannot believe what is before me.   It’s like a nightmare.   But it isn’t.   It is real! The images of the tiny infants were once breathing, kicking, struggling to live after botched abortions; the back of their necks then slit and “snipped” to cause immediate death - it’s too much!   “Oh, dear Jesus, what can I do to help end this evil?” Since the end of our 2013 spring 40 Days for Life Campaign, my heart has been stirred.   Intensifying this movement of heart, co-writers, Michelle McIntyre and R. Clayton Strang at Life of the Party blog have published several thought-provoking and moving articles.   Abortion has been “legal” in America since the January 22, 1973 U.S Supreme Court abortion decision.   Abortionists killed an estimated 55 million u...

Your Gifts and Talents

Pro-life Ministries      

Wearing a Rosary

Wearing a Rosary On many occasions, I have seen people wearing a rosary .  The first thing that comes to mind is dis-respect. It appears as though the rosary is worn like jewelry. I realize this may be somewhat judgemental on my part....yet, how many ARE wearing the rosary as fashion?  Lately, I have observed numerous actors/characters on television sporting a rosary.  Also, wearing the rosary is cultural -  a sign of an individuals love of Jesus's mother, Mary, our Blessed Mother. Further, I have worn the rosary myself during brief periods of distress.  It is worn with great respect and becomes a "living prayer" of sorts.

WHY? (extended thought)

Why did you do it?   Because it is ok… “When asked why Williams had killed the baby, Cross answered: Because the baby, I guess, because the baby was moving and breathing. And she (saw) Dr. Gosnell do it so many times, I guess she felt, you know, she can do it. It’s okay.” Gosnell Murder Trial Jury Wants More Info on Babies He Killed And then, Why Kermit Gosnell should be acquitted by Kristen Walker Hatten After 40 years , we as a society have become accustomed to abortion.   The killing of our unborn brothers and sisters has been “approved” by America. Yes, countless individuals, groups, organizations, states, and many politicians have been working and praying for the end of this scourge (with many successes), but still, we “live” with abortion.   Maybe it’s true…maybe Gosnell should be set free.   As a nation, we have NOT stood up boldly, we have not consistently prayed, we have not offered to help our local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC...

WHY? Because it is ok.

Why did you do it?   Because it is ok…   “When asked why Williams had killed the baby, Cross answered: Because the baby, I guess, because the baby was moving and breathing. And she (saw) Dr. Gosnell do it so many times, I guess she felt, you know, she can do it. It’s okay.” Gosnell Murder Trial Jury Wants More Info on Babies He Killed And then, Why Kermit Gosnell should be acquitted by Kristen Walker Hatten

55% Americans Ignorant Planned Parenthood Abortions

Shockingly, Planned Parenthood performed 333, 964 abortions in 2011, which is   greater than 27% of all U.S abortions.   Yet, reports only 45% of Americans know of this violence Planned Parenthood inflicts against unborn children.   Really! Abortion has killed over 55 million U.S. preborn infants since 1973; Planned Parenthood commits the majority – and continues as the (abortion) industry leader (slaughtering our infants in the womb).   Wake up &   stand up America!   The time is now! Stand up for life!

Maverick Blogs: Ending Abortion (now!)

Maverick Bloggers: End Abortion (now)! It is a privilege and honor to know the authors of two outstanding local blogs in Washington. While you may already follow their blogs, I encourage readers to not only continue supporting them in prayer, but equally important, take action. Ultimately, in order to end abortion now, they seek your active participation.   They write to inspire others to act – in accordance with God’s will; better yet, his command – to love our neighbors, as ourselves, including our preborn children. I first met Michelle McIntire in fall of 2007.   A visionary, she spoke to our church and invited us to take an active part in the now international 40 Days for Life campaign.   Michelle, and a few other committed volunteers, stepped out in total faith and trust in God, organized and began Everett’s first 40 Days for Life campaign – a campaign of 40 days of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and outreach to end abortion. The blog, Life of the ...

What Will it Take?

If abortion is the killing of our unborn children, which it is, then how should we go about ending abortion today?  Are we doing what is takes?  What will it take?  Are we doing enough -  are we honestly committed to ending abortion ASAP? Is Fr. Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life, correct when he says, " abortion will only end when America 'sees' abortion for what it is." Maybe it is time to "step-up" the game. If so, how?   What do YOU think?

What are YOU Willing to Do to End Abortion?

What are you willing to do to help end abortion in your community and protect all human life from conception until natural death?   Click on the links below to learn more.   Then act! Dear Father, send your Holy Spirit into the hearts of your people and help us return to a respect for life. Thank you, Father.  
“YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD” SEATTLE MEN’S CONFERENCE –Saturday, March, 2, 2013   It was the first of its kind here in Western Washington was held at St. Mary of the Valley in Monroe.   Days earlier, registrations numbered about 200, but Saturday, Fr. Bloom said 500 men were in attendance.   Clearly, there is a need for Catholic men to gather together in prayer and worship, and to learn their spiritual calling as men who serve, protect, and defend…to serve, protect, and defend women, life, and religious liberty. Speakers for the day: Archbishop Peter Sartain: You are Loved by God; Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Men as protectors, defenders; Fr. Ed White, Men as leaders in solidarity; and Fr. Phil Bloom, pastor, St. Mary of the Valley, gracious host.   The day’s activities: continental breakfast, four primary talks, lunch, confession, adoration, music, Mass, followed by spaghetti dinner, and a Shroud of Turin presentation. Additional presentations were given by 4U...

Before Someone is Killed

To all media, especially to Investigators: Before someone is killed: When will you begin to investigate Everett Planned Parenthood, 1509 - 32nd Street, for the killing of our unborn children each Wednesday (surgical abortion)? Is Everett Planned Parenthood safe? What is being done with the unborn human remains - where and how are they disposed? Are the women told of the abortion specifics and how the child will be killed? Following abortion, are women provided proper time for recovery or left to go on their own? What happened to the woman who left Planned Parenthood in the aid car a couple years ago? What are the women told of the development of the unborn child prior to an abortion? Are they allowed to see the ultrasound prior to an abortion? Are the women fully informed about adoption? How much does it cost for a surgical abortion? Does Planned Parenthood perform late-term abortions? How much does a chemical abortion cost? Please tell the local public specifically wha...

America - How Many Abortions is Enough

AMERICA – HOW MANY ABORTIONS IS ENOUGH? PLANNED PARENTHOOD – THE UGLY TRUTH   Ed Mohs Planned Parenthood – Marysville Health Center, 10210 State Ave. Planned Parenthood – Everett, 1509 – 32 nd Street Abortion : the direct killing of the human unborn child before birth. 55 million abortions performed in U.S.A. since January 22, 1973. Human Life Alliance – 2013 supplement issue documents the following: American Life League: Planned Parenthood is responsible for killing 300,000 children annually. - Operation Rescue : 16 abortion related medical emergencies reported between 1/2011 and 10/2012, including 3 in Western Washington: -- Abortion in Washington blog notes medical emergencies: 3/18/2011(Everett); 10/3/2011 (Kenmore); 10/25/2012 (Seattle/Madison). --Planned Parenthood , America’s largest abortion chain commits 300,000 abortions per year. --Live Action : documents Planned Parenthood responsible for covering up sexual abuse of young girls...

SB5156 Parental Notification prior to an Abortion

SB5166 Parental Notification As an adult adoptee who was conceived in rape, I urge you to vote FOR the Parental Notification Bill prior to a minor (under 18) obtaining an abortion.  Since a minor in Washington State must have their parent or guardians permission before obtaining piercings (especially simple ear piercings), it makes reasonalble common sense to requre minors to obtain parental notification before an abortion. After all, abortion is a life-changing experience - an experience that frequently has documented consequences: physical, mental, social and spiritual. Please vote FOR 5156 - Parental Notification before minors receive abortion. Sincerely Ed Mohs

Washington State March For Life 2013

Several thousand pro-life Washingon State March for Life participants gathered from across the state recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court 1973 abortion decision, which legalized abortion in America through all nine months of a woman's pregnancy. The awesome crowd filled the Capitol and Judicial building steps. It was the 35th year for the Olympia event. Over 55 million abortions have taken place in the U.S. since 1973. Thank you pro-life legislators! Thanks to everyone who went to Olympia on January 22 to support Life! Please contact your legislators to vote NO on SB5009 Reproductive Parity Act - abortion mandate; Vote YES on SB5156 and HB1257 Parental Notification; Yes on HB1259 Life Begins at Conception. According to Human Life of WA poll, 65% Washingtonians support parental notification . Ed Mohs