America - How Many Abortions is Enough


Ed Mohs

Planned Parenthood – Marysville Health Center, 10210 State Ave.

Planned Parenthood – Everett, 1509 – 32nd Street

Abortion: the direct killing of the human unborn child before birth.

55 million abortions performed in U.S.A. since January 22, 1973.
Human Life Alliance – 2013 supplement issue documents the following:

American Life League: Planned Parenthood is responsible for killing 300,000 children annually.

-Operation Rescue: 16 abortion related medical emergencies reported between 1/2011 and 10/2012, including 3 in Western Washington:

--Abortion in Washington blog notes medical emergencies: 3/18/2011(Everett); 10/3/2011 (Kenmore); 10/25/2012 (Seattle/Madison).

--Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain commits 300,000 abortions per year.

--Live Action: documents Planned Parenthood responsible for covering up sexual abuse of young girls.

Life News: 2/8/2013, Abortion practitioner botched abortion kills 29 year old, 33 weeks pregnant woman, Germantown, Maryland.

SilentNoMoreAwareness: Post Abortive Women report: alcohol and drug abuse, thoughts of suicide, severe regret following abortion, severe bleeding, pain, failed marriages and relationships, emotional numbness, damaged cervix, punctured uterus, unable to conceive again., etc.

Will you help stop abortion at the Marysville Health Center (Planned Parenthood) located at 10210 State Avenue and Everett Planned Parenthood, 1509 - 32nd Street, Everett?  How many more young women will be injured or die?  How many more infants will be killed in Marysville or Everett?  Are the Marysville Health Center and Everett Planned Parenthood safe and clean?



  1. Correction: Planned Parenthood committs 300,000 abortions per year in the U.S. - American Life League.


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