How Do We Get There? What Is Our Plan?

Edited: I've added a "missing" piece to in bold, making article complete. 

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The goal is not only to restrict abortion, or even to make it illegal, but actually make it an unthinkable – and not occurring.   “How do we get there?” and “What is our plan?”  It seems Insurmountable!
Forty years of abortion – 40 years of killing our own flesh and blood – the unborn.  Since the U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision of January 22, 1973, states have been trying to restrict abortion ever since.   Now is the time to end abortion.
Scripture teaches us there are many gifts but all of the same Spirit.  The head cannot exist without the body.  The body is a whole with many but equal parts.  Again, I ask the questions, “How do we get there?  What is our plan?” Scripture points the way.
 It is therefore important to always pray – as it is our communication with God – seeking His grace and blessing, courage, and boldness going forward in our quest. We should always support and encourage one another, realizing the gifts God has given us – how do we use our gifts to defend innocent human life against the mentality of abortion? 
Newborns experience rapid growth and development in their first year: they cradle, stretch their arms, legs, fingers and toes, drink/eat only mother’s milk or warm bottled milk, smile, sit up, crawl, and learn to walk one foot in front of the other, falling numerous times along the way.
So it is with the pro-life movement. The incremental one-step-at-a-time or baby steps is how I think we will end this scourge.  This is not to say that I do not want this nightmare to end right now.  I do!  Ending this horrific mass slaughter is with me nearly every moment of my life.
But, change most often occurs over a period of time, not immediately. Sure, there are exceptions. As a rule though, we are a people of peaks and valleys along many winding roads.  Current public opinion continues to suggest we are indeed advancing toward the prize, but slowly, and only with a slight and changing majority.
Life at Conception Act declares personhood to the unborn as set forth by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.  Parental Notification and/or Parental Consent laws may also prove effective, although may or may not be seen as strong compared to Life at Conception Act. Further still, legislation is being advanced to restrict abortion of those preborn children capable of experiencing fetal pain and Fetal Pain.  Then there are efforts at both state and national levels to Defund Planned Parenthood – cutting off the blood money available to Planned Parenthood to execute the preborn.  All of these legislative attempts have degrees of merit.
 (Yet), prayer, peaceful vigil, legislating and restricting abortion, working at a PRC is falling short of our goal. Why?  I say that because although many are indeed active in and supporting pro-life activities, too many of us are passively “sitting on the sidelines.” I understand we are a busy people, especially those with families.
But, are we serious about ending abortion?  If we are, then our streets surrounding every abortion facility should be overflowing with prayer warriors 365 days a year, prayerfully demanding: “no more abortion!”

The killing of our unborn brothers and sisters never stops, except possibly on Sunday.  Pastors, we yearn for your visible and pastoral example.  Teachers, doctors, lawyers, parents, children, grandparents, fire and police personnel, we need you.  The unborn need YOU!
 I am grateful for and acknowledge all that is currently being accomplished - all those who are presently in the trenches to restore a deeper respect for all human life and ending abortion now.
Collectively, these are many of the incremental steps we need to take.  All of them, mingled together, sprinkled with God’s grace and power of the Holy Spirit. We need each other, including our churches and pastors, using the gifts God has provided, together with each of our ministries. Each piece of pro-life legislation, each prayer, each hour of vigil at the abortion mill, or working at a Pregnancy Resource Center are all steps in the right direction, furthering our conscience awareness of the unborn, and the fatal effect abortion inflicts upon it.  United in Christ’s love, we can, we will stop the madness of abortion.
Pray to end Abortion:



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