Our Lord, His Blessed Mother & the Angels Smiling

Awesome Everett 40 DFL halfway vigil tonight outside Planned Parenthood. Full of Christian joy and the Spirit of God, nearly 80 turned out to sing, pray and fellowship to celebrate life and seek an end to abortion. So many young families with little ones.  It was such a great joy!  Thank you Rachel & Savanna for being our coordinators!  Casey, thank you for sharing your musical talents with us!  Thank you to all who came out on this cloudy, but not wet or windy, fall Wednesday evening.

Remember, Monday, October 21, 5-6PM, at Marysville Planned Parenthood as Marysville hosts their first halfway vigil with Steve Karlen, National 40 Days for Life Team. Let us all turn out and support Marysville 40 DFL!


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