SEATTLE MEN’S CONFERENCE –Saturday, March, 2, 2013

 It was the first of its kind here in Western Washington was held at St. Mary of the Valley in Monroe.  Days earlier, registrations numbered about 200, but Saturday, Fr. Bloom said 500 men were in attendance.  Clearly, there is a need for Catholic men to gather together in prayer and worship, and to learn their spiritual calling as men who serve, protect, and defend…to serve, protect, and defend women, life, and religious liberty.

Speakers for the day: Archbishop Peter Sartain: You are Loved by God; Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Men as protectors, defenders; Fr. Ed White, Men as leaders in solidarity; and Fr. Phil Bloom, pastor, St. Mary of the Valley, gracious host.  The day’s activities: continental breakfast, four primary talks, lunch, confession, adoration, music, Mass, followed by spaghetti dinner, and a Shroud of Turin presentation. Additional presentations were given by 4US, pro-life organization raising funds for ultrasounds in Pregnancy Resource Centers;  Knights of Columbus State Council, a Catholic Men’s organization. Everett 40 Days for Life and Helpers of God's Precious Infants were also represented as was the Family Life Institute.



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