
Showing posts from 2021

Our Prayer

     Why do we vigil and pray for an end to abortion in front of Planned Parenthood? Because our preborn sisters and brothers, who like us, are made in the image and likeness of God; abortion destroys those children’s lives. So, we stand, kneel, vigil and pray.  Although current law grants women a right to abortion, it is against God’s law, therefore, we pray for His mercy.      Further, we pray for women who visit Planned Parenthood specifically for an abortion. We ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to touch the hearts of pregnant women seeking termination. It is our hope and fervent prayer that women will see the beautiful gift of life God has blessed them with; we pray they will seek assistance through local pregnancy help centers. It is our prayer, too, that men, fathers of these “little ones,” will experience this joy as well, seeing the beauty of the child within.      Finally, It is also o...

Is Abortion Safe?

       Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the U.S. today since the 1973 Roe v Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion through all nine months of a women’s pregnancy.       American abortionists committed 862,320 terminations in 2017 according to The Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research department. Washington state alone carried out 17,740 abortions in 2017 as documented by Guttmacher.      The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recorded 619,591 women who sought abortion in 2018 while Planned Parenthood completed 345,672 abortions that year, which is 56 percent of all abortions reported to the federal government in 2018.       Planned Parenthood’s Annual 2019-2020 Report reveals 354,871 terminated pregnancies in fiscal year 2019, up by 9,199 abortions since 2018. This is the highest number of abortions that Planne...

Sue Thayer Celebrates Kent, WA Closing

  Friday, March 19, Sue Thayer, Director of Outreach for 40 Days for Life celebrated with Lynnwood 40 Days for Life as Kent PP closed at the end of February along with two other Washington State Planned Parenthood clinics. Next Step Pregnancy Services in Lynnwood hosted the event. Sue is a humble, soft-spoken, birth, adoptive, and former foster mom, who adores babies and children.  Thayer started working in a Storm Lake, Iowa Planned Parenthood facility that provided only family planning services but felt she was helping women.  In April of 1991, Sue was approached to manage a Des Moines, Iowa Planned Parenthood. However, as a management requirement, she was expected to watch live surgical abortions. Clearly and quickly, Sue responded, “Abortion is murder.” The regional director then falsely stated it is not murder unless the fetus is viable. Sue remarked to the audience, “if everybody could see an abortion, it would is so horrible!” We know and science tells ...

Abortion Bills - Contact Your State Lawmakers

  Contact your state lawmakers regarding abortion bills Friday, February 5, 2021 1:30am OPINION LETTERS               Jan. 22, 2021 was the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision, which codified abortion as law of the land. In other words, destroying or killing unborn human beings is not only legal, but is acceptable in America. How sinfully tragic that unborn human life is clearly not valued as 63 million infants since 1973 have lost their lives to abortion, violating our most basic right, the right to life. In Washington state, there are several pieces of legislation of concern. I urge you to contact your local representatives on the following: HB 1008, prohibiting abortion on the basis of Down syndrome, yes; SB 5053, requiring notification to parents or guardians in cases of abortion, yes; HB 1009, concerning extending higher education student health plan coverage to include abortion, no. Further, the following are also im...