Our Prayer

     Why do we vigil and pray for an end to abortion in front of Planned Parenthood? Because our preborn sisters and brothers, who like us, are made in the image and likeness of God; abortion destroys those children’s lives. So, we stand, kneel, vigil and pray.  Although current law grants women a right to abortion, it is against God’s law, therefore, we pray for His mercy.

     Further, we pray for women who visit Planned Parenthood specifically for an abortion. We ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to touch the hearts of pregnant women seeking termination. It is our hope and fervent prayer that women will see the beautiful gift of life God has blessed them with; we pray they will seek assistance through local pregnancy help centers. It is our prayer, too, that men, fathers of these “little ones,” will experience this joy as well, seeing the beauty of the child within.

     Finally, It is also our prayer that Planned Parenthood doctors, nurses, and staff see the grave error of abortion and will leave behind this tragic industry. We pray and vigil for our community that allows abortion through politics, taxes, and often our silence and apathy.


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