Abortion Bills - Contact Your State Lawmakers


Contact your state lawmakers regarding abortion bills

Jan. 22, 2021 was the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision, which codified abortion as law of the land. In other words, destroying or killing unborn human beings is not only legal, but is acceptable in America. How sinfully tragic that unborn human life is clearly not valued as 63 million infants since 1973 have lost their lives to abortion, violating our most basic right, the right to life.

In Washington state, there are several pieces of legislation of concern. I urge you to contact your local representatives on the following: HB 1008, prohibiting abortion on the basis of Down syndrome, yes; SB 5053, requiring notification to parents or guardians in cases of abortion, yes; HB 1009, concerning extending higher education student health plan coverage to include abortion, no.

Further, the following are also important matters: HB 1031 and SB 5072, concerning the government issuance of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth, yes; and SB 5068. improving maternal health outcomes by extending coverage during the postpartum period, yes.

Ed Mohs



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