Is Abortion Safe?


Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the U.S. today since

the 1973 Roe v Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion through all nine months

of a women’s pregnancy. 

     American abortionists committed 862,320 terminations in 2017 according to The Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research department. Washington state alone carried out 17,740 abortions in 2017 as documented by Guttmacher.

     The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recorded 619,591 women who sought abortion in 2018 while Planned Parenthood completed 345,672 abortions that year, which is 56 percent of all abortions reported to the federal government in 2018.

     Planned Parenthood’s Annual 2019-2020 Report reveals 354,871 terminated pregnancies in fiscal year 2019, up by 9,199 abortions since 2018. This is the highest number of abortions that Planned Parenthood clinics have committed in any given year; they are the primary provider of abortions in the U.S. as shown by the Family Research Council, a non-profit to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy.

     Finally, Fox News highlighted an estimated 62 million abortions in America 1973 through 2020 as also confirmed by National Right to Life data.

     So, after 48 years of safe legal abortion, how really safe is abortion?  

     No one knows for sure or publically talks about post-abortive injured women. Is legal abortion safe? No it is not safe! Abortion hurts women! 

     True, one could easily argue on a percentage basis, abortion is safe (medical emergencies compared to total abortions). Yet, the women sent to the hospital with a 911 medical emergency might argue differently; abortion is not safe; it violates women! 

     Ed Mohs insists, “not only has abortion ended the lives of over 60 million innocent unborn children, it harms women, too.” Mohs is a local pro-life activist and advocate who regularly stands vigil at Planned Parenthood in Everett, WA.

     (Post) abortive women may experience excessive, uncontrolled bleeding, hemorrhage, uterine perforation, lacerations, respiratory and cardiac arrest, infection, and sepsis.

     After intensive and thorough investigations, Operation Rescue, and Life Dynamics have independently revealed some 470 known, documented medical emergencies including roughly 250 deaths. Operation Rescue is a  leading pro-life Christian activist organization committed to documenting abortion abuses. Life Dynamics seeks to end legalized abortion in America and restore legal protection to the unborn.

     “Abortion just isn’t safe,” says Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. "The 100 emergencies (during 2019) at abortion facilities are just the ones we learned about and were able to document through 911 records, photos taken at the scene, or eyewitness accounts,” said Newman. 

     Approximately 115 instances were uncovered where hemorrhaging occurred; a most recent incident happened in Lynnwood, WA on 3/29/21 and updated here.

     Since 2011, eight women have been sent to the hospital in Washington for medical emergencies (Bremerton, Everett, Kenmore [closed], Lynnwood, Spokane).

     Four-hundred and fifty-nine women lost their lives after seeking a safe legal abortion between 1973 - 2017 as reported by the CDC. 

     Eileen Smith, mother of deceased Laura Smith, pleads with American women, “I want to tell them that abortion will affect them for the rest of their lives and that it may even sterilize them. I want them to know that they can be physically maimed or worse; they could die, like Laura did” (on 9/13/2007).

     “Chronic under-reporting,” said Newman, “and the failure of many states to mandate abortion complication reporting” are key reasons why American women are ill-informed to the serious life-threatening dangers and lies of safe, legal abortion.


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