
Abortion is NOT SAFE in Washington

  Planned Parenthood previously claimed abortion procedures should be legal, rare, and safe. They have since abandoned that “montra” as no longer effective. While it may be true that abortion is legal, it is certainly not rare; abortion is definitely not safe for women. Consider this: Beginning March 2021, three women required emergency (911) care during or after an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Specifically, March 12, 2021, a woman returned to the Planned Parenthood - Lynnwood Health Center following complications (hemorrhage) from a medical (pill) abortion. This individual was taken to an area hospital. A second time, February 15, 2023, a woman suffered a possible perforated uterus requiring a 911 call from the Everett Health Center - Planned Parenthood Clinic. The woman was transported to the local hospital. And a third time, 17 months later on July 24, 2024, a 911 call was placed from the Everett Planned Parenthood Clinic as another woman was in urgent medical distress during or

Cancer Lump

  July 29, 2023 Family & Friends: There is no easy, pretty, clean way of saying this other than to rip-off the band-aid and go for it. Unfortunately, I now belong to the ugly “Cancer Club.”  I went to the walk-in clinic on July 19th with a 50-cent sized lump below the skin on my upper right neck, cervical lymph node, immediately below the earlobe. The Dr. ordered a CT scan (step 1) which came back positive indicating a suspicious area suggesting cancer concerns and set up the next step with Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Dr. ENT performed an in-office fine needle aspirate (step 2), two separate needle draws sent to the lab, which on July 26th - my b/d (ok God, is this supposed to be funny?), revealed positive malignant cells (cancer “C”). ENT Dr. is very aggressive in his multi-step approach :). (Step 3) is an Ultrasound guided Biopsy which is set for August 9 @ the hospital to learn detailed data on this cancerous tumor. Then, there is the one to two weeks patiently waiting fo

An Adult Child of Rape Speaks Out

Political TV commercials focusing on abortion are highlighting exceptions for rape and incest. As an adult child of rape, I cannot support these exceptions, although I may have empathy for the violated mother. Condoning these exceptions means I would have died. It also means that my entire immediate family would not be here. Further, I would not have been a member of my beautiful adoptive and birth families as well. I vote NO on abortion; I also vote NO on rape and incest abortion exceptions. I hope and pray you will too. Ed Mohs

The Herald: After Roe falls

  The Herald's July 13, 2022 article, " After Roe falls , local abortion clinics already feel "strained system" was clearly supportive of abortion. Starting with the slanted title and caption, then continuing, only two, maybe three people were included from a pro-life perspective.  What did the individuals say to reporters during the interview process that was deemed "not worthy enough" for a front-page leading story?  Did the three reporters contact additional local and national pro-life organizations as those supporting abortion (roughly ten instances)? Also, notice the reference here to "pro-life" as opposed to the term "anti-abortion." Unfortunately, this biased story was hardly balanced! Finally, as one whose life humbly began as a result of sexual assault, it is a joy being present, standing and praying some 20 years at the 32nd & Hoyt intersection, not only for the preborn infants, but also defending and supporting their moms.

Advocate and Support Women

  Our nation awaits the latest U.S. Supreme Court’s abortion decision (Dobbs v Jackson) sometime this spring. Regardless of the Justices ruling, pro-lifers must continue advocating for and supporting women and their families with critically life-affirming assistance. It is imperative that existing local organizations, such as Next Step Pregnancy Services , Pregnancy Resource Center , PREPARES , and Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid expand the loving, life-giving material assistance providing baby and maternity clothing, bottles, car seats, diapers, baby formula, and much more. Confirming ultrasounds and pregnancy tests may also be provided to would-be expectant women. This support is all at no cost to the moms. 

Our Prayer

     Why do we vigil and pray for an end to abortion in front of Planned Parenthood? Because our preborn sisters and brothers, who like us, are made in the image and likeness of God; abortion destroys those children’s lives. So, we stand, kneel, vigil and pray.  Although current law grants women a right to abortion, it is against God’s law, therefore, we pray for His mercy.      Further, we pray for women who visit Planned Parenthood specifically for an abortion. We ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to touch the hearts of pregnant women seeking termination. It is our hope and fervent prayer that women will see the beautiful gift of life God has blessed them with; we pray they will seek assistance through local pregnancy help centers. It is our prayer, too, that men, fathers of these “little ones,” will experience this joy as well, seeing the beauty of the child within.      Finally, It is also our prayer that Planned Parenthood doctors, nurses, and staff see the grave erro

Is Abortion Safe?

       Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the U.S. today since the 1973 Roe v Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion through all nine months of a women’s pregnancy.       American abortionists committed 862,320 terminations in 2017 according to The Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research department. Washington state alone carried out 17,740 abortions in 2017 as documented by Guttmacher.      The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recorded 619,591 women who sought abortion in 2018 while Planned Parenthood completed 345,672 abortions that year, which is 56 percent of all abortions reported to the federal government in 2018.       Planned Parenthood’s Annual 2019-2020 Report reveals 354,871 terminated pregnancies in fiscal year 2019, up by 9,199 abortions since 2018. This is the highest number of abortions that Planned Parenthood clinics have committed in any given year; they are the primary provider of abortions i