Cancer Lump


July 29, 2023

Family & Friends:

There is no easy, pretty, clean way of saying this other than to rip-off the band-aid and go for it. Unfortunately, I now belong to the ugly “Cancer Club.” 

I went to the walk-in clinic on July 19th with a 50-cent sized lump below the skin on

my upper right neck, cervical lymph node, immediately below the earlobe. The Dr. ordered a CT scan (step 1) which came back positive indicating a suspicious area suggesting cancer concerns and set up the next step with Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Dr.

ENT performed an in-office fine needle aspirate (step 2), two separate needle draws sent to the lab, which on July 26th - my b/d (ok God, is this supposed to be funny?), revealed positive malignant cells (cancer “C”). ENT Dr. is very aggressive in his multi-step approach :).

(Step 3) is an Ultrasound guided Biopsy which is set for August 9 @ the hospital to learn detailed data on this cancerous tumor. Then, there is the one to two weeks patiently waiting for results, 9/16 -9/23.

Besides the testing and Dr. visits, I am aware of the unforgiving nature of this disease. There is so much C “out there,” that I am taking this one step at a time, trusting my Dr. going forward in faith, while making a valiant effort to trust God, too. Though a divine mystery, He knows what He is doing in my life, but really, my birthday?  Hopefully, this lump will be just a blip in the grand scheme of things; often, when God provides or allows hurdles in our lives, they become opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Donna is still challenged with her multiple health issues, too many to list. We are blessed to have each other as we walk through these ups and downs of senior-hood; also, our son, Mark, is having a total hip replacement August 28th.  Through all of this, we are continuing with our travels (God willing) with trips to Dallas to visit Rianna and a cruise to Mexico. Please keep us (and Mom/Grandma/Mary) in your prayers for God’s grace and our acceptance for what is before us each new day.

Thank you!


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