
Showing posts from May, 2013

How Do We Get There? What Is Our Plan?

Edited: I've added a "missing" piece to in bold, making article complete.                                                                       # # The goal is not only to restrict abortion, or even to make it illegal, but actually make it an unthinkable – and not occurring.     “How do we get there?” and “What is our plan?”   It seems Insurmountable! Forty years of abortion – 40 years of killing our own flesh and blood – the unborn.   Since the U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision of January 22, 1973, states have been trying to restrict abortion ever since.    Now is the time to end abortion . Scr...

Now is the Time

I’m sickened, disgusted, and angry!   As I view the graphic pictures and read the associated stories of abortionists Kermit Gosnell and, Douglas Karpen , and again here ,   I nearly weep. I cannot believe what is before me.   It’s like a nightmare.   But it isn’t.   It is real! The images of the tiny infants were once breathing, kicking, struggling to live after botched abortions; the back of their necks then slit and “snipped” to cause immediate death - it’s too much!   “Oh, dear Jesus, what can I do to help end this evil?” Since the end of our 2013 spring 40 Days for Life Campaign, my heart has been stirred.   Intensifying this movement of heart, co-writers, Michelle McIntyre and R. Clayton Strang at Life of the Party blog have published several thought-provoking and moving articles.   Abortion has been “legal” in America since the January 22, 1973 U.S Supreme Court abortion decision.   Abortionists killed an estimated 55 million u...

Your Gifts and Talents

Pro-life Ministries      

Wearing a Rosary

Wearing a Rosary On many occasions, I have seen people wearing a rosary .  The first thing that comes to mind is dis-respect. It appears as though the rosary is worn like jewelry. I realize this may be somewhat judgemental on my part....yet, how many ARE wearing the rosary as fashion?  Lately, I have observed numerous actors/characters on television sporting a rosary.  Also, wearing the rosary is cultural -  a sign of an individuals love of Jesus's mother, Mary, our Blessed Mother. Further, I have worn the rosary myself during brief periods of distress.  It is worn with great respect and becomes a "living prayer" of sorts.

WHY? (extended thought)

Why did you do it?   Because it is ok… “When asked why Williams had killed the baby, Cross answered: Because the baby, I guess, because the baby was moving and breathing. And she (saw) Dr. Gosnell do it so many times, I guess she felt, you know, she can do it. It’s okay.” Gosnell Murder Trial Jury Wants More Info on Babies He Killed And then, Why Kermit Gosnell should be acquitted by Kristen Walker Hatten After 40 years , we as a society have become accustomed to abortion.   The killing of our unborn brothers and sisters has been “approved” by America. Yes, countless individuals, groups, organizations, states, and many politicians have been working and praying for the end of this scourge (with many successes), but still, we “live” with abortion.   Maybe it’s true…maybe Gosnell should be set free.   As a nation, we have NOT stood up boldly, we have not consistently prayed, we have not offered to help our local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC...

WHY? Because it is ok.

Why did you do it?   Because it is ok…   “When asked why Williams had killed the baby, Cross answered: Because the baby, I guess, because the baby was moving and breathing. And she (saw) Dr. Gosnell do it so many times, I guess she felt, you know, she can do it. It’s okay.” Gosnell Murder Trial Jury Wants More Info on Babies He Killed And then, Why Kermit Gosnell should be acquitted by Kristen Walker Hatten

55% Americans Ignorant Planned Parenthood Abortions

Shockingly, Planned Parenthood performed 333, 964 abortions in 2011, which is   greater than 27% of all U.S abortions.   Yet, reports only 45% of Americans know of this violence Planned Parenthood inflicts against unborn children.   Really! Abortion has killed over 55 million U.S. preborn infants since 1973; Planned Parenthood commits the majority – and continues as the (abortion) industry leader (slaughtering our infants in the womb).   Wake up &   stand up America!   The time is now! Stand up for life!