Mother and Child

Frequently, those of us who oppose abortion and value human life from the moment of conception until natural death are accused by abortion proponents, including Planned Parenthood, of only caring about the babies.  Once the infant is  born, we no longer give a hoot about the newborn or its mom.  False!

PREPARES, a statewide initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State, provides pregnancy and parenting support for all families from pregnancy to their child’s fifth birthday, seeking not only to assure healthy births and avoid the tragedy of abortion, but also providing emotional support and promoting healthy, flourishing families. 

Catholic Adoption Services of Washington State is a program of Catholic Community Services providing adoption planning for birth mothers and adoptive placement services throughout Washington State since 1937. Services are provided at no charge to the pregnant woman. 

Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid’s most important service is friendship and concern for every person who contacts them, furnishing free of charge layettes for newborns, new car seats, infant formula plus maternity, children and infant clothing. Founded in 1971, Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid distributed over 4,700 diapers in 2019, while serving more than 400,000 clients. 

Next Step Pregnancy Services in Lynnwood helps women and men who are facing an unplanned pregnancy by offering confidential, compassionate counselling, free pregnancy tests, and diagnostic ultrasound tests, maternity, baby clothes, diapers, formula, strollers, even potty chairs.

Pregnancy Resource Center also in Everett and faith-based offers confidential, compassionate care while furnishing maternity and baby clothing, diapers, and pregnancy testing.

Lastly, Living Hope House is a faith-based, non-denominational home in Arlington serving homeless and homeless-vulnerable women who may also experience an unexpected pregnancy. Living Hope House believes every person is uniquely created and loved by God while striving to meet the women’s spiritual, relational, and material needs.


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