Abortion: America's Great Holocaust - Thoughts on this January 22, 2018

Between 58 and 59 million preborn infants have died by abortion in America since the January 22, 1973 - when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. 

St. Pope John Paul II in his Homily during Mass at the Washington Mall, October 7, 1979 stated,

 “Human Life is precious because it is a gift of a God whose love is infinite; and when God gives life, it is forever.”

God created humanity in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:27) and knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:15).  The Lord in all His goodness, desired humanity to share in his creation, and to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28, 2:28 and Matthew 19:4).  He gave us a few simple rules: The Ten Commandments - to love God with our whole heart and soul, and to love others as ourselves.

The song, Wherever You Go, by the Benedictine Monks of Weston Priory and based on the Book of Ruth, so eloquently expresses this great gift of life.

“I want to say something to all of you who have become a part of the fabric of my life.  The color and texture, which you have brought into my being, have become a song, and I want to sing it forever.  There is an energy in us, which makes things happen – when the paths of others touch ours.  And we have to be there and let it happen.  When the time of our particular sunset comes – our thing, our accomplishment won’t really matter a great deal.  But the clarity and care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift of life we have been for each other.”

It has been 45 years; the U.S. continues aborting 2,000 – 3,000 children daily.  America has the highest abortion rate (19.4 per 1,000) of any western industrialized nation.  Washington state doctors are responsible for aborting 21,880 women in 2011.  So tragic! 

“I was 15 years old when my mother and I returned to Planned Parenthood after the contraceptive they provided months earlier failed.  I was told I was 11 weeks pregnant and that my pregnancy was a ‘clump of cells’ and to hurry to make an appointment if I wanted an abortion because at 12 weeks the prices would be higher.  I was not given any counseling of any kind whatsoever.  Today, I regret my abortion.”  Silent No More Awareness – Shadia

In the book, Mother Teresa’s Reaching Out in Love – Stories Told by Mother Teresa, compiled and edited by Edward Le Joy and Jaya Chaliha, Mother Teresa defines the sad reality of abortion this way:

“Abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace in the world today – abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.  And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other?”

Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life Christian activist organization promoting legal personhood to the unborn child, has documented at least 200 abortion related deaths between 1973 and 2014.  Since March 2011, three medical emergencies have occurred in Washington State due to abortion complications: Everett (3/18/2011), Kenmore (10/2/2012), and Spokane (5/18/2011).  Why has the Media not reported the emergencies?

Clearly, abortion is legal.  However, is it actually rare?  No!  Is it safe?  No!  There is a local and national silence (a blackout) regarding the horrendous, tragic story of abortion and its implications - not only the preborn infants killed, but also, the women’s lives now wrecked from abortion.

"If anyone tells you that there are no side effects to having an abortion, I’m living proof that the side effects can be devastating.  Not only do you rob yourself of a person that would enrich your life, you rob all your family as well.  I tell you the pain of that realization is excruciating."  Silent No More Awareness – Adrian, California
"I only would wish that people could see that abortion does not only hurt the little ones who get aborted but that it hurts also us in a very real, serious, and lasting way.  I would wish that people could see that with abortion in our lives we lose a kind of innate God-given blessedness, a life full of innocence and tenderness."  Silent No More Awareness – Anne, MS


Yet, realizing the inhumanity of abortion, lack of protection for the unborn, and a society indifferent to the sacredness of human life, from conception to natural death (Culture of Death), there is hope looking forward.  According to reported statistical data, abortions have steadily declined since 1980.  LifeNews.com reported the following Associated Press story: since 2010, “Abortions Dropped by 12% in the U.S.”  (June 8, 2015).  Slow but steady, we are moving forward to restoring respect for life, especially for the unborn.

Hope. Although we have tremendous work to do, in any city or region in the U.S., Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC), and Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC) are springing up everywhere – helping women face challenging, unintended pregnancies.

Services include maternity and baby clothing, infant formula, free pregnancy test, an ultrasound, confidential, supportive counseling, and fetal development.  Clients receive information on all options, including adoption, and keeping the child.  Women may hear important information on the impacts of abortion.  Local organizations that work closely with women are Two Hearts Ultrasound at Pregnancy Aid, Pregnancy Resource Center, Everett, and Next Step Pregnancy Services in Lynnwood. Prepares, a Washington state Catholic parish based ministry, provides similar services, but also includes parental support through age Five. 

In the past 4 decades, citizens committed to ending abortion formed countless 501c organizations.  Key fundamentals generating this positive pro-life strength and success are education, networking, state legislative abortion restrictions, prayer, and outreach at the abortion site.  Coalition for Life, 40 Days for Life, National Right to Life, Students for Life, Crusade for Life, American Life League, Priests for Life, Anglicans for Life, Pro-Life Across America, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, and Washington State March For Life.

Why has not the media reported more on the amazing and heroic success stories and their life-saving work?  (Abby Johnson-former Director of Planned Parenthood who left PP; Shawn Carney-Texas Coalition for Life, 40 Days for Life; David Bereit-40Days for Life, Rebecca Kiessling-Conceived in Rape; Late Dr. Bernard Nathanson-former NYC abortionist turned pro-life.  Late Dr. Jack Wilke-founder, Nat’l Right to Life; Jill Stanek, nurse, blogger; Fr Pavone, Priests for Life; Julie Brown, American Life League; Nellie Grey-March For Life; Gianna Jessen, Saline abortion survivor).

There is an inner passion to end this tragedy in our nation’s history.  God set the truth on my heart even before I was born.

My life began due to my birth mother being raped at age 19 by my biological father.  Symptoms of epilepsy challenged her life while dealing with a pregnancy, too.  After nine months in a foster home, my parents, Ray and Mary Mohs adopted me.  I grew up in a large Catholic family in Mountlake Terrace, WA with seven siblings and three additional foster kids.  I am now married nearly 38 years to my wife, Donna.  We have four grown children and seven grandchildren.

                                             General Reference Information


Abortion - The most divisive, passionate, human rights, moral issue of our time.

Before and after January 22, 1973: Roe v Wade, Doe v Bolton, Casey v Planned Parenthood

Established & affirmed Constitutional Right to Abortion (mostly)

LAW, ACCESS & RESTRICTIONS (Nationally & Washington State):

Referendum 20: November 3, 1970

Initiative 120: November 1991

Roe v Wade; Doe v Bolton; Casey v Planned Parenthood

Life at Conception Act – H.R. 1091

Pain – Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Waiting periods: 24/48/72 hours

Abortion is law of the land in Washington State even if Roe was overturned

Reasons for Abortion: reproductive choice – right to control woman’s body, economics & family size; college (wrong place, wrong time), pressure from partner or other relationship, sexual abuse (rape), fear, lack of self-esteem, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse.

Reasons against Abortion:

Physical, emotional harm to women, including future pregnancies placed at risk, relationships ruined, death of one own preborn child, turning away from God


Diary of the Unborn, Priests for Life

Drama of Life Before Birth, Lennart Nilsson, 1965 Photo Essay, Time Magazine


Deuteronomy 30:1; Genesis 1:27; Jeremiah: 1:15; Psalm 139:13-16


Guttmacher Institute*

Washington State Abortions (2011) 21,880*

American Life League**

Total Abortions Nationally (1973-2013) 56.5 million; abortions per day = 2,899

Washington State Abortions (2010) 21,124; (2013) 17,592; decrease 16.7%

Operation Rescue***

There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.

The U.S. has the highest abortion rate (19.4 per 1,000) of any western industrialized nation.

88.7 percent of all abortions take place by the twelfth week of pregnancy

200+ abortion related deaths 1973 thru 2014

Women’s Issues / Guttmacher Institute ****

Unintended pregnancies account for nearly half (50%) of all pregnancies

Four out of ten (40%) unintended pregnancies end in abortion

Twenty-four percent (24%) of all pregnancies end in abortion

Two out of every hundred (2%) women ages 15-44 have an abortion.  Of these, 48% have had one or more previous abortions

Fifty-two percent (52%) of women choosing abortion are under age 25

Black women are almost four times as likely to have an abortion as white women are

For women having abortions, 43% are Protestant and 27% identify as Catholic

CNS News:

87 surgical abortion facilities closed in 2013, Dec 29, 2013


Providing pregnancy tests, contraception, abortion, limited women & men’s health screenings

Encourages teen promiscuity engaging in explicit, risky, immoral sexual behaviors,

--Info for Teens section (website) *****

Nation’s largest abortion provider: 4 million since 1970**

305,310 abortions in 844 clinics; 374.4 million income from services; 349.6 million grants & government contracts (taxpayer funds);  fiscal year 2007-2008**

327,653 abortions (medical and surgical) 2012-2013**

1,880 adoption referrals** (2012-2013)

Ratio of adoption referrals to abortions: 1 per 174 (2012-2013)

32 (PP) clinics in WA State*****

Margaret Sanger, 1916, Founder*

Abortion Motto: “safe, legal, rare”

--The Guardian, July 9, 2014; LifeNews.com, July 14, 2014
ABORTION PROCEDURES: The reality of abortion

Methods duration, cost, side-affects, complications

Saline, suction, D&C, D&E, RU486 (The Abortion Pill - Mifepristone)

Complications: heavy bleeding & severe pain, perforated uterus, cut/torn cervix, pelvic infection, cramping, depression, drug & alcohol abuse, emotional disturbances, relationship difficulties, problems with future pregnancies, and death

Cost: 1,500 1st Trimester (In-Clinic Abortion)

Abortion Pill (medical abortion, Mifepristone): $800


May 18, 2015, Spokane, WA

March 26, 2015, South Wind Women’s Abortion Center, Wichita, and KS

October 2, 2012, Kenmore, WA

July 20, 2012, Chicago, IL, Tanya Reeves (death)

March 18, 2011, Everett, WA

May 31, 2009, Wichita, KS, late-term abortion doctor assassinated

2015, 25 medical emergencies document (thus far), 11 at Planned Parenthood – Operation Rescue

 Two-Hearts Ultrasound at PREGNANCY AID:

3202 Hoyt Ave, Everett

Since 1971, (42 years) supported over 100,000 mothers and families with

Maternity & baby clothing, Car Seat Program, baby layettes, WIC, pregnancy tests, confidential, friendly, caring, nonjudgmental help (all free)

Uniquely located across the street from Planned Parenthood, Everett

 4US.org: Ultrasounds:

Raises funds to purchase ultrasound equipment for local pregnancy centers

“Rally Round 4 Ultrasound”: Hosting World’s Largest Squirt-gun Fight


Prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and outreach to end abortion, since 2007

Spring, fall each year: September 23 – November 1, 2015 (next campaign)

Washington: approximately 12 cities

Nationally: 3,588 campaigns, 579 cities, 30 countries, 650,000 individual participants, 10,331 unborn lives saves, 118 abortion workers quit their jobs, 60 abortion facilities closed through the end of 2014.


Ed M (located birth family), Chris M (located birth family), Jiena S, John W, Kevin F

Patience, Perseverance, Prayer - Ed’s adoption search story


Rachel’s Vinyard / Silent No More Awareness

Post-abortive women who have come to terms with and later regret their abortion decision realize an ocean of mercy and love from God.  They fully accept the unborn child they aborted and grieve, but now experience new life in the forgiveness and healing power of Christ.

  SOURCES / References:

Abortion in Washington Blog

American Life League**

Guttmacher Institute*


Louisiana State Department of Health & Hospitals

Next Step Pregnancy Services

Operation Rescue***

Planned Parenthood of Great Northwest

Pregnancy Aid

Priests for Life

Women’s Issues / Guttmacher Institute****

40 Days for Life


Darkness into Light, By Ed Mohs

Patience, Perseverance, Prayer, By Ed Mohs

Ed Mohs Faith Journey, By John Wolcott


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