Faith, Works, Prayer & Hope

     A profound and humbling experience recently happened to me while praying at Planned Parenthood. 

     It was late Wednesday afternoon before closing on August 26, which is surgical abortion day.  I grabbed some literature, my rosary, and placed myself overlooking the parking lot, intending to stay for only a few minutes.  

     Shortly after I began praying, a woman entered the parking lot, got out of her car, and proceeded to the entrance.  In a moderate tone I asked, “May I offer you some important information on Planned Parenthood?”  Did I ever get a cursing earful?  Hand gestures were not necessary…her words said it all!  As imagined, she did not accept my literature and went inside.

     I collected myself and continued praying.  Moments later, a staff member escorted a woman outside, motioning for her to walk around the building.  I assumed she needed to get some air.  She wore loose-fitting clothing, customary for women after an abortion.  I gently offered to pray with her as she wiped tears from her eyes.  “It’s too late” she said quietly.  I could only pray that in time she reaches out to God for his mercy, forgiveness, love and healing.

     I continued praying.  Again, a woman walked out of Planned Parenthood full of tears since aborting her child.  Grief is all over the faces of post-abortive women.  I made an effort to offer some assistance, but she shook her head and left in the awaiting vehicle.

     Finally, the woman who earlier cursed at me, she came out of Planned Parenthood accompanying a young girl who also terminated her pregnancy.  As before, I offered the literature.  She unloaded another earful on me.  It was brutal!  Some of us simply do not learn!

     I felt helpless to have encountered three pregnant women in a short time that had aborted.  Broken, I lost it and wept - knelling down in prayer on the sidewalk where I met those women who themselves must have felt empty, alone, confused and broken.  Lord, Jesus…

     Yet, there is hope!  That same day, I received an earlier email stating there was a woman who came to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, but had changed her mind; she was keeping her baby.  

     Since 2007, at least (18) infants have been spared from abortion in Everett during 40 Days for Life campaigns.  Their moms experienced the blessings and joys in welcoming a new child into their lives.  Thank you, Lord!

     Unfortunately, abortion is still the law of the land.  For over 40 years, this nation, our states, our churches, those who are followers of Jesus, each of us, including myself, have “allowed” abortion to continue.

     NOW is the time to humble ourselves before God as we seek His mercy and grace to end abortion in our midst?  With hope in our hearts, I believe it is completely possible.

     “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  2Chronicles: 7:14

     “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works”!

-Psalm 139:13-14



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