Protesting Everett Planned Parenthood


The Snohomish County cities of Everett, Lynwood, and Marysville, Washington are home to Planned Parenthood facilities.

Saturday, August 22, 2015 an unprecedented, 400+ Pro-life citizens came together at Everett Planned Parenthood (organized locally by David Graves, Living Hope For Life Ministries) for a National Protest at Planned Parenthood joining 350 other locations across the United States. 

Why are people protesting Planned Parenthood?  Because Planned Parenthood commits some 330,000 abortions nearly every year, while receiving taxpayer funding.  Yet, it is more than the sheer volume.  It is the human realization that the abortion procedure intently and violently kills an unborn living child, while causing life-long physical, spiritual, emotional harm to countless women as evidenced by Silent No More Awareness, an organization supporting post-abortive women.

In recent weeks, the Center for Medical Progress, a (501C) group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting medical ethics and advances, released several under-cover videos.  The 30-month investigative study titled, Human Capital Project clearly reveals Planned Parenthood’s illegal, immoral, inhumane, and barbaric total disregard for God’s gift and the value of human life.  Planned Parenthood has no qualms harvesting and selling aborted body parts and tissue for profit.

Help end abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, and support a respect for human life from conception to natural death. Contact Everett 40 Days for Life at to pray, fast, and vigil for an end to abortion in our communities. Or, simply show up and pray at Planned Parenthood, 1509 32nd Street, Everett, WA whenever you are available. May the Lord bless you. May you be filled with His holy presence. Now is the time!


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