Saint Vincent de Paul Invitation 2/9/13

Hello, my name is Ed Mohs, a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul here at Immaculate Conception; I ask for your help in both time and talent.

First, on behalf of those we serve, we want to thank you for continuing your generous financial support for our ministry in service to the poor.  Thank you for your weekly food donations to the SVDP baskets near the altar and in the back vestibule, and to the many volunteers in our Food Bank
St. Vincent de Paul Society began in Paris, France, 1833 by a group of Catholic college students led by Blessed Frederic Ozanam.  The Society is an International, Lay, Catholic organization throughout the Seattle Archdiocese, the US and in 147 countries, whose members seek to grow in holiness through direct, person-to-person service to the poor.

The Society is open to all those who seek to live their faith loving and committing themselves to their neighbors in need.  The Home Visit is the core of what we do as members of the Society.

How did I become involved in SVDP?  You might say, it is a family ministry.

My Dad, Mom, and sister are SVDP members. Growing up, I recall going out with Dad on St. Vincent de Paul calls to help the poor.  Mom is Treasurer at St. Pius X in Mountlake Terrace; Katie is active in Idaho.

In 2012, Judy Romaneschi, our current president, stood here to thank you for all your support and to seek new volunteers. After that Mass, I volunteered and began attending the monthly meetings.

I have been on several visits this past year with Elaine Keasey, who is a great mentor and passionate advocate for the poor.  On one occasion, a young married couple had just had their first child and contacted SVDP for help.

The couple was struggling to pay their PUD, as well as other bills. Dad was unemployed, but actively seeking work.  Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference pledged to pay their utility bill.  Most of all, we helped to lift their spirits, offering much hope for the days and weeks ahead. I was deeply touched that day – feeling as though I had just witnessed “the face of Jesus.”

Here at Immaculate Conception, our Parish Conference serves in North Everett, West of Broadway.

Our FY-2012-2013 Year End Report (reveals):

Home Visit Program:

Requests for Assistance: 998

Home Visits: 442

Food Bank Program:

Total Clients Assisted: 5,882, which included 343 children

Daily, Immaculate Conception neighbors who are on limited income, are having problems paying their rent, water or electricity. Some may not have enough money to buy food for their kids.  Where there is poverty and people in need, you will find the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

In answer to this increasing demand to help the poor here in North Everett, we will be hosting an Informational Meeting this Tuesday evening, February 11 at 7PM downstairs in St. Mary’s Hall.  If you would like to learn more about the Society and our ministry, please take home a flyer from one of our Vincentian volunteers as you leave the church and join us on Tuesday evening.

Thank you for your generous food donations, financial and prayerful support, and your commitment to the needy through our St. Vincent de Paul Conference here at Immaculate Conception.

In closing, a quote from Pope Francis in his Address to the

Archbishop of Canterbury June 14, 2013:

 “Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.”



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