
Showing posts from February, 2014

Saint Vincent de Paul Invitation 2/9/13

Hello, my name is Ed Mohs, a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul here at Immaculate Conception; I ask for your help in both time and talent. First, on behalf of those we serve, we want to thank you for continuing your generous financial support for our ministry in service to the poor.   Thank you for your weekly food donations to the SVDP baskets near the altar and in the back vestibule, and to the many volunteers in our Food Bank   St. Vincent de Paul Society began in Paris, France, 1833 by a group of Catholic college students led by Blessed Frederic Ozanam.   The Society is an International, Lay, Catholic organization throughout the Seattle Archdiocese, the US and in 147 countries, whose members seek to grow in holiness through direct, person-to-person service to the poor. The Society is open to all those who seek to live their faith loving and committing themselves to their neighbors in need.   The Home Visit is the core of what we do as memb...