
Showing posts from December, 2012

Violence and Abortion and abortion.html  12/19/2012      President Obama spoke at the inter-faith vigil December 16 following the recent tragic shooting.   America honored, mourned, and prayed for the twenty children and six adults who were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.   The president stated, “We cannot tolerate this (violence) anymore!”   America grieves with the families, fellow students, and teachers after this horrendous and senseless loss of human life.      Mr. President and mainstream media: Where is the same level of outrage over the violence of abortion – violence which maims an estimated 4,000 infants daily and destroys the lives of post-abortive women?     Although uncomfortable, it’s time to have a national conversation about the violence of abortion - the killing of (preborn) human life. This carnage cannot be tolerated anymore!  ...