
Showing posts from 2024

Abortion is NOT SAFE in Washington

  Planned Parenthood previously claimed abortion procedures should be legal, rare, and safe. They have since abandoned that “montra” as no longer effective. While it may be true that abortion is legal, it is certainly not rare; abortion is definitely not safe for women. Consider this: Beginning March 2021, three women required emergency (911) care during or after an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Specifically, March 12, 2021, a woman returned to the Planned Parenthood - Lynnwood Health Center following complications (hemorrhage) from a medical (pill) abortion. This individual was taken to an area hospital. A second time, February 15, 2023, a woman suffered a possible perforated uterus requiring a 911 call from the Everett Health Center - Planned Parenthood Clinic. The woman was transported to the local hospital. And a third time, 17 months later on July 24, 2024, a 911 call was placed from the Everett Planned Parenthood Clinic as another woman was in urgent medical distress during or