Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid
Since 1971, Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid has assisted over 400,000 families providing clients with baby layettes, formula, diapers, brand new car seats, and gently-used clothing to include such items as jackets, toys, and books. 2020 Annual Report: Mission Statement: To provide immediate and confidential help, hope and support to women who are, or think they might be pregnant, and to families with young children. Help is given freely without judgement and with no strings attached. Vision Statement: Honoring Lives, Helping Families, Restoring Hope We provide immediate help for any Snohomish County Resident in need of information, support and materials needed before and after a child is born. Material Support Provided: Diapers: 50,089 Wipes: 888 Car Seats: 120 Layettes: 180 Clothing & Shoes: 5,290 ...