
Showing posts from January, 2013

SB5156 Parental Notification prior to an Abortion

SB5166 Parental Notification As an adult adoptee who was conceived in rape, I urge you to vote FOR the Parental Notification Bill prior to a minor (under 18) obtaining an abortion.  Since a minor in Washington State must have their parent or guardians permission before obtaining piercings (especially simple ear piercings), it makes reasonalble common sense to requre minors to obtain parental notification before an abortion. After all, abortion is a life-changing experience - an experience that frequently has documented consequences: physical, mental, social and spiritual. Please vote FOR 5156 - Parental Notification before minors receive abortion. Sincerely Ed Mohs

Washington State March For Life 2013

Several thousand pro-life Washingon State March for Life participants gathered from across the state recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court 1973 abortion decision, which legalized abortion in America through all nine months of a woman's pregnancy. The awesome crowd filled the Capitol and Judicial building steps. It was the 35th year for the Olympia event. Over 55 million abortions have taken place in the U.S. since 1973. Thank you pro-life legislators! Thanks to everyone who went to Olympia on January 22 to support Life! Please contact your legislators to vote NO on SB5009 Reproductive Parity Act - abortion mandate; Vote YES on SB5156 and HB1257 Parental Notification; Yes on HB1259 Life Begins at Conception. According to Human Life of WA poll, 65% Washingtonians support parental notification . Ed Mohs